Saturday, July 5, 2008

June Recap

June was a pretty good month. In fact, it was downright kick ass. The mileage isn't anything to brag about, but the accomplishments were many.

I had a minor scare/setback with my calf before Mt. Washington and one truncated week due to the death hike. These both limited the mileage somewhat, and I also wanted to make sure I was "fresh" for my races. Well, this is the rationale I'm using anyway.

But, really, I'm not complaining. I had a great race at the Bradbury Scuffle. I ran Mt. Washington. I survived the Cranmore Hill Climb. I'm fairly proud of all of this. So, yeah, June was pretty good.

But, there's more to come. Nothing set in stone yet, but I'm going to try to build up my mileage. Cranmore made it clear that if I want to perform well in these hard races, I need to have more miles under my belt. Plus, I should do some actual workouts: hills, speed, etc. Not just run easy and race. So, hopefully, at this time next year, I'll be writing posts about my world domination (or something slightly less impressive.)

As for this summer, there is a lot of hiking coming up. We still have about 250 miles of the AT to go. (Look to the right for exact mileage.) And, the quest continues tomorrow. We're off to the Bigelows to finish up another section. D has been wanting to do this section for about 47 years...I just hope her head doesn't explode. And, with everything backpacking trip, I hope I don't die. I really think she's trying to kill me.

Here are the June numbers:
Miles Run: 71
Miles Hiked: 23.5
Hours: 25.25

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