Monday, May 19, 2008

Bruiser without the O

Today, D and I ran the Bradbury Bruiser course but left out the "O" Trail. (I have no idea why O is in quotes.) That works out to be a 10-mile tour of the west side of Bradbury Mountain State Park.

I woke up feeling a bit creaky after our hike yesterday, especially my hamstrings and back. I was a bit surprised, since the hike came so easily yesterday. Needless to say, I was Mr. Crankypants for most of the morning. Of course, when you're not feeling great, a twisty, turny, uneven trail is a great choice. (I'm not that smart.) Once we the the trails, though, things started to feel better. And, all in all, I felt pretty good for the entire run. The difficulty of the terrain keeps the pace slow, which is just what I needed. About 30 minutes in, I had pretty much decided to be sure to get the 10 miles in. Psychologically, I felt like this was pretty important with the 25k on the horizon.

At about 1:30, D turned into Ms. Crankpants because that was all we had originally planned to run. At this point, even the shortest route back was .5 mile. She started in that direction, but eventually joined me for the rest of the course. Grumpily, I might add.

But, it ended up being a great run, and I feel like I'm in moderately OK shape for next weekend.

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