Sunday, August 31, 2008

When Did 14-miles Become Easy?

Back on the AT today for a little bit of running and a lot of hiking. The loop we did was 14 miles, and we thought it was easy. That's pretty cool. We were both tired from our run yesterday. (D especially, but she had one of her biggest running mileage weeks ever, so it was with good reason.) The terrain was nice, though. And not saturated and muddy. That's a big help.

The gory details:
D's report.
My report. (Pretty lame actually.)

We now have one more section to do (24 miles) before our vacation and the 100-Mile Wilderness. But, in truth, we've already hiked these 24 miles. It's a section from Rt. 4 in Rangeley to Caribou Valley Road and includes Saddleback, Sugarloaf and a number of other peaks. We did this hike probably about 9 years ago, and it nearly killed us. We had planned to go over the Crockers, but we bailed. It took us 3 days to do the 24 miles. I was probably carrying 394 pounds. D had a garbage for a raincover for her pack. It blew away...far, far away. We were dumb. Hopefully, our return will go better.

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