Tuesday, August 19, 2008

An Off Day, a Bee Sting and a Long Day on the AT

Since we last checked in with our hero, I've been kind off busy.

I ended up taking Saturday off. We had a big event at work that I was organizing the media for. Basically, it's like herding cats. Really, really needy cats. Plus, it was raining by the tie I got home. I was pretty tired, so I decided that 32 miles in 4 days of running was good enough for the week. The second highest total this year for me...in the last 10 years for that matter...with an 18-miler in the middle, so I should be happy. I'm not completely happy, but that's the mind of a runner.

On Sunday, D and I went out for a 5-mile run. I got stung by a bee. With about a mile to go, I felt a sting right at the front of my ankle/foot, just behind the tongue of my shoe. I knew immediately what it was. Even though I'm allergic to pretty much everything else, I'm not allergic to bee stings. D made me a paste of baking soda which seemed to help. I didn't know she was an 83 year-old woman, but she also said "slacks" and told the cat "Mama is watching her stories now."

On Monday, we were back on the AT for the hardest dayhike we've ever done. It was great.

Per usual
Here's D's report.
Here's my report.
La photographia.

I've been so busy this week, I don't even have a new funny video to post. Cats, anyone?

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