Saturday, August 30, 2008

Running is Really, Really Dumb

So, remember all my whining? Well, the most recent whining, anyway. Yesterday's run was great, and today's run was even better. D and I ran with the official Trail Monster group today at Bradbury. We ran the 12-mile Bradbury Bruiser course. I felt awesome. Way better than I have all week. No pain, no tightness, no nothing. Yeah, I have no idea. Plus, it was really fun to get out on group run. There were at least 15 of us out there, and more names than I can remember. It was a really good group of people, and a good time was had by all. Did I mention that I felt awesome? Well, I did.

Of course, I couldn't help thinking about the Breakfast Club.

Bender: What do you do in the physics club?
Brian: Um...we talk about of physics...
Bender: So, it's sort of social. Demented and sad, but social.

Of course, I mean that in a really good way.

However, this is way cooler than the physics club because in the afternoon, Ian and Emma invited a bunch of us back to their place to drink beer. Lots of good people and good food. Erik also brought venison. And, I have to say, that Bambi was delicious.

And, speaking of demented and sad, but social, it was also cool to meet a couple blogging-type folks face to face. For example, I met Mindy, here's the conversion:

Me: Hi, I'm Ryan.
Mindy: Hi, I'm Mindy.
Me: Oh, you're the squirrel lady.
Mindy: Yeah, that's me. Which one are you?
Me: Snowman.
Mindy: Oh yeah! Great to meet you.

In case you're wondering, we were able to have an actual conversation and not just wait until we got home to share blog comments with each other. We're no that dorky. Well, maybe...

Anywho, D and I are off tomorrow for a groovy dayhike over the Crockers and bang out another 8 miles of the AT. Should be sweet.

You know when you get a song in your head that just won't leave? This is what I have now:


mindy said...

I think Squirrel lady is probably better than being a cat lady. Good think I decided not to name my blog "100 Cats", because that would be scary. And then I would probably live in shoe and make doilies instead of run. It was awesome to meet you guys - looking forward to catching up again!

sn0m8n said...

Yeah, no resemblance to the crazy cat lady: